The Macedonian Language in the Slavic and Balkan linguistic world

Marjan Markovikj (Skopje University)

Macedonian language occupies the central part of the Balkan Peninsula and, as an official language of the Republic of Macedonia, it is a genetically Slavic language with an inherited structure and lexicon, transferred to an environment with genetically unrelated languages. In the course of history, the borders either expanded or decreased, and the internal and external circumstances changed and influenced the language. The Ottoman period (almost 500 years) is a period of a linguistic convergence, which resulted with the shaping of the so-called Balkan linguistic league. During common contact, and with the goal of achieving clearer communication between the speakers, the languages of the Balkans have changed their structure and have moved (mainly with language means) in a direction where semantics is the main factor of those processes. Language systems adapt and above all, come closer to one another. This means that the elements of that complex adaptive system are deeply integrated into the dialects of Macedonian language. It integrates the inherited Slavic elements and the acquired Balkan elements. The system continues to use and add new cores, creating new ties, resulting in more condense, clearer language expressions with more precise meaning. Further, the lecture will try to reveal the mechanisms of transfer of the common Balkan elements integrated in the dialects of the Macedonian language, i.e. their transfer and adaptation in modern Macedonian language.