Lecture: Bratstvo in enotnost med narodi bivše Jugoslavije – zodovinski pregled / Fraternité and egalité among the nations of former Yugoslavia – a historical overview
Prof. dr. Božo Repe, History department, University of Ljubljana
Prof. dr. Repe is an expert on contemporary Slovene history, history of the Balkans and Central Europe. Fraternity and equality of all nations and nationalities was included into the Constitution of Yugoslavia as one of the fundamental principles and prof. dr. Repe will give a talk on different representations of this principle, as well as other relations and relationship among the ex-Yugoslav nations in different periods of south-Slavic connections and on the role that Slovenia and the Slovenes played in this process.
This lecture is organized as a part of a greater project called World Festival of Slovene Culture organized in 2016/2017 at around 60 universities around the world, where one can study Slovene language and culture.