Prof. dr. Lauri Mälksoo, University of Tartu
The lecture ‘Russian approaches to international law’ deals with the question whether the understanding and application of international law has specific features in Russia that other actors in the international community should be aware of. Essentially, this approach fits into the frame of comparative international law. For this, it is necessary to also examine the history of international law in Russia as well as the recent state practice and doctrine. Different areas of international law such as use of force, human rights as well as international investment law will be covered in the talk.
Lauri Mälksoo is Professor of International Law at the University of Tartu in Estonia. He was sixteen years old when the USSR disintegrated and uses sources in the Russian language extensively in his research. He is member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences and associate member of the Institut de droit International (established in 1873 in Ghent). He is co-editor in chief of the Baltic Yearbook of International Law (at Brill) and has published two monographs, “Illegal Annexation and State Continuity” (2003) and “Russian Approaches to International Law” (2015), as well as co-edited the volume “Russia and the ECtHR: the Strasbourg Effect”.