Hokudai Days

GCSEES took part in the Hokudai Days at the University of Ghent, contributing two panels to the event in collaboration with the Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SERC), Hokkaido University, Sapporo.


29 February 2016, Het Pand, Oude Infirmerie
PANEL Borders and Margins in Eastern Europe (Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Department of Languages and Cultures and Hokkaido University Slavic-Eurasian Research Center (SERC)

Go Koshino (HSRC), A Subverting Perception of Tuteishiya (Local People) in Contemporary Belarusian Literature
Motoki Nomachi (HSRC), Questions of the Gorani Ethnolect in the Context of the Disintegration of Serbo-Croatian
Rozita Dimova (GCSEES), Displacing Borders through Materiality and Aesthetics in Contemporary Macedonia
Dieter Stern (GCSEES), Informal Cross-Border Economies in the Post-Soviet Space as a Field of Linguistic Investigation

1 March 2016, Blandijnberg, 6th floor
STUDENT PANEL Gateways to Eastern Europe: Young researchers and their research
Genichi Ikuma (HSRC), Representations of Human Beings in Soviet Unofficial Art
Charlotte Bollaert (GCSEES, TRACE), Jean-Paul Sartre in Soviet-Russia: Early Responses and Image Formation